Senior Room
The pupils in the senior room are learning about Italy and Ancient Rome. They are working in groups to create factfiles about Ancient Rome.
Pupils are busy learning songs in preparation for our Advent service next Wednesday.
The 5th & 6th class maths set are learning about angles and lines. The 3rd and 4th class set are learning about fractions.
Junior Room
The pupils in the junior room are busy learning about Advent and preparing for Christmas. They are investigating how Christmas is celebrated in other parts of the world. They are comparing toys form past and present and had to conduct and interview with a parent/grandparent. Pupils enjoyed making a nativity scene using sweet wrappers as part of the Green Schools programme.
They are learning Christmas songs for the Advent service.
Christmas Puppet Show
OM Ireland performed a Christmas puppet show for all the children on Friday 6th December which was thoroughly enjoyed!
The same puppet show will be shown on RTE1 on 22nd December @11:10am.
County Photos
The County Photos proofs must be returned by Friday 13th December, whether you are ordering photographs or not.
Dates for Diary
First Confession will take place on 26th March @7:30pm in Rahara church.
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 4th May @10am in Rahara church.
Confirmation will take place on Wednesday 30th April 2014 @ 11am in Knockcroghery church.
Advent Prayer Service
There will be an Advent Prayer Srvice on Wednesday 18th December @ 9:30-10:30 in Rahara school.
Christmas Break
We finish for our Christmas break on Friday 20th December @ 12:30pm.
Term 2 begins on Tuesday 7th January 2014 @ 9:20am.
Happy Christmas
The staff of Rahara NS wish you all a Holy and Happy Christmas and health and happiness in 2014!