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December 2021



The last three months have been very trying and difficult times for everyone. As a school community, we will continue to play our part in making our school as safe as possible for staff and pupils. Please continue to wear masks at all times when on school grounds and do not enter the school building to accompany your child to the classroom. Please socially distance when dropping/collecting your children. If you wish to speak to a member of staff you can do so by: email, phone call or ring the bell at the front door. Thank you for you co-operation.

We are extremely proud of all pupils in the senior room who continue to wear their face coverings every day. We know that it is not easy and congratulate them all on how well they have adapted to this new safety measure.

Friends for Life

Ms. Watson will begin the Friends for Life (anxiety & resilience) programme in the New Year with the senior room once teacher training has been completed.


We are obliged to inform (Tusla) the statutory Educational Welfare services of the child and family agency, if a child has missed 20 days or more in the school year. If your child cannot attend school please provide the school with a written note or email outlining the reason for the absence. For further information see


Christmas Holidays


School will close for the Christmas Holidays at 12:30 on Wednesday 22nd December and re-open on Thursday 6th January 2022


Parent Teacher Meetings

I wish to thank all parents/guardians and staff for your co-operation during our recent Parent/Teaching meetings.

County Photos


County Photos took place on Wednesday 24th November. Parents will be notified when they are ready to be ordered.


Book Bills

Thank you to all parents who have paid their book bills.

Swimming Lessons will take place on Mondays between 11:50-12:40 in Roscommon pool for 7 weeks. They will commence on Monday 10th January. More information on fees will be communicated in the New Year.


Music Generation

Cian Cunniffe from Music Generation will continue to visit our school every Tuesday for the rest of the academic year. Each room gets a 45 minute music lesson. Junior pupils have their own music bag with various instruments & senior pupils are learning to play the ukulele. All pupils may bring their instruments home to practice them. A recording of our Christmas programme took place on Friday 10th December and will be shared with parents when we receive the link.


Christmas Jumpers/Non-Uniform Day On Friday 10th December all pupils were allowed to wear their festive clothes/accessories and donate money in aid of Brain Tumour Research. Thank you to everyone who made a donation. So far we have raised €140 and donations are still being made! Pupils can wear their Christmas jumpers/clothes, if they wish from Friday 17th of December until the Christmas holidays. We look forward to seeing you in your festive gear!

School Uniforms

Please ensure that your child wears their uniform to school every day in the New Year. The Uniform is as follows:

Crested navy jumper, grey pinafore/skirt/trousers & blue t-shirt Boys:Navy jumper, grey pants, blue t-shirt. On PE days pupils may wear plain navy tracksuit bottoms (No logos or stripes)

Please label all items of the uniform to avoid confusion


Computer coding

Pupils in the senior room take part in computer coding every Tuesday from 2-3 with Liz Clinton. Pupils have had 7 classes to date and will have 4 more in the New Year. The children use our school ipads to create/code games on the Scratch App as well as Kahoot quizzes.


After School Club


After School Club is a big success this year and we are delighted that our tutor, Teresa Nally is continuing to provide this fantastic service. Please ensure that if your child attends Afterschool that they are collected @ 4:30 SHARP. All After School club fees are to be paid to Ms. Watson at the start of each week. Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack for After School Club as this is part of our schools Healthy Eating Policy.


Holy Days


All staff & pupils will attend 10:00 mass on Thursday 6th January.


We wish you all a very peaceful & Happy Christmas and thank you all for your continued support



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