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February Newsletter 2016


Spelling Bee 2016

Congratulations to Beckham Janzen, 6th class, who is our ‘Spelling Bee’ 2016 champion. Beckham will represent the school in the county finals next Monday. We wish him the best of luck!


Open Evening

We would like to thank everybody who made the open evening a success. All help, including distributing flyers, hanging up posters and ‘spreading the good word’, is greatly appreciated by staff.



School will close this Friday 26th February as our school is used as a polling station for the upcoming elections.


Engineers Week 2016

All pupils (Infants-6th) will attend an Engineering workshop in the Ardagh and Heritage Creative Centre, Co. Longford on Wednesday 2nd March. This is in conjunction with our Discover Primary Science and Maths programme. Pupils will investigate engineering with a civil engineer and build a model of a bridge. After lunch, the pupils will attend a 1916 workshop and learn about toys and games a hundred years ago. Pupils should wear their full school uniform and bring a packed lunch and drink. The bus will depart at 9am sharp and return at 3:30pm approx. Mrs Costello will send a text to parents, when leaving the venue, for a more accurate estimated time of arrival. The bus and workshops are funded by the Board of Management.


Proclamation day- 15th March 2016

Irish TV film crew will visit Rahara NS on the 15th March to film the raising of our National Flag for Proclamation Day. They will also interview pupils about our school and all the initiatives that we are involved in. More details to follow.


Grandparents Day 2015

A big thank-you to all the grandparents who attended our Grandparents Prayer Service in Rahara NS on the 2nd of February. It was a lovely service and a wonderful opportunity for grandparents to catch a glimpse of the day in a life of our school.

SPHE -Meditation & Mindfulness

Louise Shanagher, children’s therapist, and artist, Rose Finnerty, visited our school in February to give four meditation workshops to the pupils. This was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for the pupils and it gave the pupils some great strategies for dealing with their worries and anxieties.

Staff would like to continue their wonderful work through teacher-led mindfulness sessions. These sessions are linked to the SPHE curriculum. Teachers will be using a resource called ‘The Zone’ which encourages relaxation and confidence. The children will be introduced to awareness of breath, thoughts and emotions through visualisation, affirmation and breathing techniques. This CD is available to parents should they wish to listen to it, prior to the mindfulness sessions.



Mrs Costello attended the IPPN (Irish Primary Principal’s Network) Conference in Dublin on the 27th and 28th January.

Ms. O’Reilly will attend her Post Graduate course in Special Needs in NUIG between 22nd Feb-5th March. Ms. Irwin will cover her leave.


Easter/St. Patrick’s Day Closures

School will close at 12:30pm on Wednesday 16th March for St. Patrick’s day and Easter, combined. School will re-open on Monday 4th April at 9:20am.


World Book Day 2016

Pupils are invited to dress-up as a character from a book, on Thursday 3rd March, for World Book Day!


Seachtain na Gaeilge

SNAG 2016 will take place in Rahara NS between 7th-16th March. Pupils are encouraged to speak ‘as gaeilge’ during this time. There will be dancing, singing, games and prizes throughout the week. Lá Glas will take place on Wednesday 16th March. Pupils are encouraged to wear green clothes on that day.


‘One Good Idea’ Project

Our four 6th class pupils, team Carbondos, have been selected as one of the top 20 teams in Ireland to go through to the semi-finals of the ‘One Good Idea’ project. The pupils have coded a carbon footprint quiz through the app ‘Hopscotch’. This app is free to download on any apple device. Please tell all your friends and family about the game and encourage them to take the Carbondos quiz. The pupils have designed a poster and composed a rap about CO2! The pupils must now create a 4 minute presentation for the SEAI judges. You can also follow team Carbondos on Facebook.


Healthy Lunches

We have included a booklet about healthy lunches from the HSE. Remember that a small treat is allowed on Fridays only!




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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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