Open Evening
Our open evening takes place in Rahara NS on Thursday 19th March between 6-7pm. Please spread the word.
Confirmation Retreat
6th class are invited to a confirmation retreat in Knock on Friday 13th March.
The bus departs Knockcroghery NS @ 9am. Return time TBC. The cost of the bus is €10 per child.
We were delighted to see our pupils feature on News2day on 11th February. A special thank-you to Alan Moran for providing a copy of the DVD to all families.
Green Flag
Our Green Schools inspector visited Rahara NS on Tuesday 24th February, to inspect all the work we have done over the last 2 years on “Global Citizenship- Litter & Waste”. We were thrilled with the feedback we received and are looking forward to our official notification by An Táisce in Term 3.
We are delighted to welcome Elaine Connolly to our staff. Elaine will be working in Rahara NS for the rest of the school year.
World Happiness Day
Pupils and Staff will participate in World Happiness Day activities on Friday 20th March. Evidence shows that promoting kindness and happiness among young people directly affects social and emotional well being!
FAI Soccer Competition
Senior pupils will participate in a soccer schools competition on Wednesday 11th in Lecarrow. We will need lifts to and from the pitch. Please let us know if any parent is available to assist with lifts.
We have set up our School Facebook page. We have had 465 views to date. Please share the page with your FB friends. You can still view our FB page even if you don’t have a FB account on Our FB page is update regularly with photos and news.
World Book Day 2015
We celebrated World Book Day in Rahara NS in style. Pupils dressed up as a character from a book. Pupils also shared their favourite book with their peers and gave an oral presentation to their class. Pupils designed a World Book Day token!
St Patrick’s Day
School will be closed on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March for St Patrick’s Day.
Fairtrade Friday
A “Fairtrade Café” took place in school on Friday 6th March. Pupils enjoyed Fairtrade hot chocolate, tea, coffee along with Fairtrade cookies or bananas! Pupils learned about Fairtrade around the globe. This is in conjunction with our Green Flag for Global Citizenship.
Discover Primary Science & Maths Award
We have almost completed this year’s award. The remaining step requires a visit to a windfarm. We will visit Niamh Connor’s windfarm in Castlerea on Friday 24th April. Following this we will submit our DPS application!