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November/December Newsletter 2015


Comfirmation Meeting

A meeting for parents of 6th class pupils, who will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, will take place in Knockcroghery NS @ 7:45pm on Wednesday 9th December.



1916 Centenary Celebrations

Lieutenant Billy Henshaw will visit our school on Monday 21st December to present us with an Irish Flag and the Proclamation of the Rebublic. Following this, the all pupils  will perform a Play about the 1916 Rising.

All parents, grandparents and extended family members are invited to this special event. The celebreation will commence at 1:30pm.




Our newly elected Parents Nominees are Noreen Fallon and Simon Moran. Congratulations to both parents.

The Community Reps are Nuala Dolan and Jimmy Murray. The other members of the board are Fr. Ray Milton, Tommy Carney, Ruth Costello and Aoife McGowan.

We look forward to working together on our new BOM.


Christmas Holidays

School will close on Tuesday 22nd December @ 12:30pm for Christmas holidays. Pupils may wear their Christmas Jumpers to school on this day!


School opens for Term 2 on Wednesday 6th January 2016 @ 9;20am.


All pupils and staff will attend 10am mass in Rahara church on Wednesday 6th January, to celebrate the feast of Epiphany.



Cake Sale

A cake sale will take place in Rahara NS on Sunday 13th December following 10am mass. All proceeds will go to the Alzheimers Association.



Swimming Lessons

The final swimming lesson takes place on Thursday 17th December. Please return all monies to the school by then as both the bus and swimming pool have to be paid.



Summer Works Scheme 2016

Mrs. Costello has applied to the Dept. of Education for a grant to upgrade all school toilets. If granted, refurbishment will take place during Summer 2016.



Roscommon Solstice Choir

Lecarrow Benevolent Fund Committee will present the Roscommon Solstice Choir and 5th & 6th class pupils from our parish schools, in a concert on Friday 18th December in Knockcroghery Church. Tickets cost €10 and are available to purchase in school. 5th & 6th class pupils go free as they are performing on the night. All proceeds go to Lecarrow Benevolent Fund.



Mrs Costello will take parental leave from 14th -18th December. This leave has been sanctioned by the BOM and Ms. Irwin will cover the week.


Mrs. McGowan will return to school on Monday 21st December.


We wish Ms. Connolly very best in her future career. She will be missed greatly by the staff, pupils and parents.


Holy Day – 8th December

All pupils and staff will attend 10am mass in Rahara church on Tuesday 8th December, to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception.



Super Troopers

Super Troopers is a Healthy Homework programme designed to increase children’s level of physical activity. Children should complete their short activity nightly from their Activity Journal. Children can complete this alone or get parents involved. Please sign this Journal weekly. Pupils are currently working on Navy, Week 5 in their ST Journals.


Christmas Show

Pupils will attend the “Little Light Christmas Show” in Roscommon Arts Centre on Wednesday 2nd December. Please ensure that your child arrives in school at 9:20am sharp on Wednesday as the bus will depart shortly thereafter. The cost of the show and the bus is €10 per child.


“The Donkey’s Back” Christmas show will take place in Rahara NS on Wednesday 16th December. OM Ireland have produced another entertaining Christmas show that explains the true meaning of Christmas. This show is free.






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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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