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November Newsletter 2022


Music Generation

Music Generation continues to take place every Monday with Paul Shanagher. Pupils from 1st-6th are learning to play the ukulele. Junior & Senior Infants play the tongue drums as well as a variety of other instruments from their music bag! Please bring in instruments every Monday.

Sports training

• Hurling continues to take place every Monday with Proinsias, weather permitting.

• All pupils have been attending Athletics in Athlone TUS every Wednesday since midterm.

• There will be no athletics on Wednesday 7th December and our final session will be on Wednesday 14th December.


Afterschool continues to take place from 3-4:30pm at €5 per day with Teresa. We ask

that afterschool club fees be paid every Monday to Ms. Watson.

Parent/Teacher meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings took place on Tuesday 15th of November in school for Ms. Watson & Ms. Mc Gowan.

Science Week

Science Week took place on the week beginning Monday 14th November. Michéal Coughlan carried out a biodiversity and biology workshop, which was facilitated by Roscommon County Council, with all classes on Wednesday 16th November. All pupils enjoyed doing lots of science experiments during the week and they also attended Say Cheese, an online webinar hosted by An Taisce.

Roscommon School Library Van visited our school on Tuesday 15th of November. We are delighted that this service has resumed, and the children were thrilled to be able to take a book to bring home.

Cash for Clobber: Thank you for all the donations for our Cash for Clobber collection. We raised €320.


All pupils will attend mass on Thursday 8th December in Rahara Church to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. All staff will be present on this day. Those who do not attend mass will be supervised in school

Confessions for children in 3rd - 6th class will take place on Wednesday 14th of December.

Parent’s Association

The first Parent’s Association meeting was held on Wednesday 23rd of November in Rahara N.S. The National Parents Council facilitated this first meeting. The committee of the Parent’s Association is as follows:

Chairperson – Michael Beattie Treasurer – Giselle Hartenthal Secretary – Joanne Beattie

Thank you to all Parents Association members for attending. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 7th December

PLC School Closure

School closed at 12:00 for all pupils on Thursday 24th November to facilitate teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. There was no Afterschool on this day.

St. Dominics

Congratulations to Ms. Watson and the St. Dominics Camogie team who won the Roscommon Senior Camogie Championship and went onto the Connacht Intermediate final but unfortunately lost out to Castlegar. The team will now compete in the Junior All-Ireland semi-final on Saturday the 10th of December. The Intermediate mens football Club Championship Connacht final takes place Saturday 3rd of December at 13:30 in St. Brigid’s Kiltoom. Tickets are still available if you would like to support them.

Toy Show Treats

Thank you to Ms. Watson for organising Toy Show treats for all children. We hope they enjoyed the show!

Antibullying Week

Antibullying week was held in Rahara on the week beginning 21st November. All classes designed posters to demonstrate what they have learned during the week and to promote antibully/kindness. Well done to all pupils especially Grace and Blake who were the winners of the competition in the junior and senior room and the runners up, Eva and Dylan.

Derryglad Folk Museum

All pupils visited the Derryglad Folk Museum on Wednesday 30th November before Athletics. It was a fantastic experience for all children.

Updated policies

Please see our website for updated policies. Most notably, Anti-bullying and Use of school Hall/Facilities. Thank you

Vomiting Bug and Chicken Pox

Please follow the advice from the HSE on staying at home if you have the vomiting bug or chicken pox



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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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