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October 2015 Newsletter


Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons start in Roscommon Pool on Thursdays in November & December for all pupils. The cost of swimming is €50 for 7 lessons. (€25 bus + €25 lessons)

Please send money for swimming to school before the end of the lessons. Thank you.

 Book Bills

Please return all book rental, etc. money ASAP. Please ensure all rented books are covered.


School Self Evaluation


Pupils will continue to do weekly Problem Solving comprehension cards as part of their homework activities.

Pupils from 2nd – 6th are participating in “Maths Games Mondays” between 2 -3 pm.

Staff completed CPD in Numeracy in problem solving on Thursday 15th October in Rahara NS with Claire Coroon between 4-6pm. Mrs. Costello also invited local schools to the CPD Maths training. A second workshop will take place on 5th November from 4 -6pm.


Pupils from 2nd – 6th class have started PALS. PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Strategies) is a reading programme which builds fluency and comprehension skills. In PALS, pupils work in pairs to help each other improve their reading and comprehension skills. PALS takes place three days per week, between 2-3pm.

We have bought 50 new differentiated novels for the PALS programme. Pupils are undergoing PALS training during October and the programme will be fully implemented after Mid-Term.


The staff have chosen Gaeilge as the 3rd subject for S.S.E. A PDST Gaeilge advisor will visit our school on 4th November to assist the staff with the Gaeilge School Improvement Plan.


Staff Meeting

School will finish at 2pm on Thursday 22nd October for all pupils to facilitate a staff meeting from 2 -4pm.

Mid-Term Break

School will close at 3pm

on Friday 23rd October for Mid-Term Break. It will re-open on Monday 2nd November @ 9:20am.

Pupils may dress up for Halloween on Friday 23rd October.


Super Troopers

Super Troopers is a Healthy Homework programme designed to increase children’s level of physical activity. Children should complete their short activity nightly from their Activity Journal. Children can complete this alone or get parents involved. Please sign this Journal weekly.


Lost & Found

There are significiant amount of unclaimed items of clothing in our school. These have been placed in a basket inside the front door. Please feel free to have a browse. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity over the mid-term break.

Library Van

The Library van will visit our school on Tuesday 10th November.


Fire Safety Week

Members of Roscommon Fire Brigade will visit our school on Tuesday 20th October to give a fire safety workshop to all students.


1916 Centenary Celebrations

Members of the Defence Forces will visit our school on Friday 11th December to present us with the National Flag and read the Proclamation of the Republic. The flag will be raised on Proclamation Day, 15th March 2016. We hope that all family members can attend our Centenary Celebration on 11th December. Light refreshments will be served.



Congratulations to all Senior pupils who participated in a soccer competition in Donamon last Tuesday with St John’s NS. Great success was had by all.


Hurling Blitz

5th & 6th classes have been invited to a Hurling Blitz in St. Dominic’s on Monday 19th October between 11-12:30. Mrs Costello will attend the blitz. 3rd & 4th classes will remain in school with Ms. Connolly.


Goal Jersey Day 2015

Thank you all for your donations to GOAL. €70 was raised and the monies was donated to GOAL. 

Tree Day

All pupils participated in a Tree Day Nature walk and Scavanger hunt. The Juniors planted a Hazel tree in our Biodiversity garden. All photos are available to see on You do not need a facebook account to access our facebook page.



Parent’s nominations should be returned to the school ASAP. A secret ballot will be held shortly to elect 2 new parent nominees to our BOM.





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