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September Newsletter 2021


Dear Parents, 

Welcome back and a special welcome to those who have enrolled children in Rahara N.S. for the first time.

Contact Details: 090 6623393/



Mrs Aoife Mc Gowan - Principal & Junior Room Teacher

Ms. Niamh Watson - Deputy Principal & Senior Room Teacher

Mrs. Kathy Dolan - Special Education Teacher

Mr. Oliver Connaughton - Principal Administration Days (Teaches the Junior Room every Tuesday)


Board of Management:

Fr. Ray Milton

Aoife Mc Gowan

Niamh Watson

Breege Kenny

Laurence Fallon

Marie Moran

Noel Moran

Tom Carney


School Day

Junior & Senior Infants - 9:20 -2:00

1st – 6th Class – 9:20 – 3:00

Absenteeism: In the event of your child being absent please telephone 090 6623393 or email: We are obliged to inform (TUSLA) the statutory education Welfare services of the child and family agency, if a child has missed 20 days or more in a school year. For further information see

Communication: The school uses the Aladdin “text” facility to communicate important messages to parents. Accordingly, it is very important that we have an up-to-date mobile number for you. Our text facility does not allow for replies so please email or phone the school if you wish to contact us. An emergency contact number should also be written in your child’s journal. Please let us know if you home/email address has changed.

See saw

Teachers will use the class See Saw platform for communicating with you (Monday-Friday). Due to teacher/class changes some previous accounts may need to be deleted and a new account will be set up.


We have a strict healthy eating policy in place in Rahara N.S. This can be viewed on our website One small treat is allowed on Fridays only. Pupils attending Afterschool may avail of kitchen facilities after 3:00 only. Rahara N.S is involved in the Green Schools Initiative and we encourage families to cut down on single use plastics such as cling film etc. All pupils must bring home their daily waste/packaging from their lunches.

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child wears their uniform to school every day and that all items of clothing are marked clearly with your child’s name. The uniform is as follows:

• Navy school crested jumper, this will be available to purchase on from Monday 13th of September, grey pinafore/skirt/trousers and blue t-shirt.

• On P.E. days pupils may wear crested jumper/plain navy round-neck sweater and plain navy tracksuit bottoms (No Logos; stripes; hoody; branded top/bottoms; football jersey).

County Photos

County Photos will visit our school on Wednesday 24th of November. Please wear full school uniform on this day.

Football training

Football training will commence on Wednesday 15th September until the October midterm. Pupils must wear gum shields. Please ensure that these have been ‘moulded’ before you bring them to school and that the box/container is clearly marked with your child’s name to prevent confusion.

School Closures

School will be closed for all pupils on Friday 1st of October to facilitate teacher planning/training for the new Primary Language Curriculum.

Please find attached an updated school calendar. Please note that school closes at 12:30 on Thursday 23rd June 2022 for the school holidays.




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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

Tel: 090 6623393 Email:

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