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Spring 2022


Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons took place every Monday until Mid-Term break. On our final swimming lesson all pupils went to Supermacs for a treat lunch! Thank you to all parents for payment of swimming fees.

Easter Holidays

School will close at 12:00 on Friday 8th April for the Easter holidays.

This will be a non-uniform day.

School will close on Wednesday 22nd of June for the summer holidays and re-open on Wednesday 31st of August for the new school year.


Afterschool Club

Homework Club continues to be a big success and we are delighted with our tutor, Teresa Nally. Please ensure that if your child attends Homework Club that they are collected, on time, at 4:30pm. We thank you all for your co-operation and continued support of the excellent service. Please pay all fees to Ms. Watson every Monday.

Chinese New Year

All pupils enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year and learning about the year that they were born. We had our own Chinese Restaurant in our school hall where the pupils had the opportunity to sample some Chinese cuisine and had some fun with fortune cookies!


Pupils making their Confirmation attended a Retreat in Knock with Ballymurray N.S on Tuesday 15th February. Well done to Bláthín Moran who won the Knock Quiz and was delighted with the prizes that she received. Congratulations to Luke, Emma, Keeva and Bláthín who celebrated the sacrament of confirmation on Friday 1st April in Knockcroghery. We had a lovely celebration in school and thank you to Ms. Watson for organising the fabulous biscuit cake from ‘Occasional Treats’

Religious Education (RE)

Catholic Schools Week took place from the 24th-28th of January. Teachers delivered lessons and placed an emphasis on the theme ‘Living life to the full’.

Thank you to Eugen who carried out an interactive lesson and games for all classes on Wednesday 5th April for Holy Week. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and Eugen always has lovely games, images, puppets and songs that make them fun and engage all children. Eugen also told the children about The Dead Sea and showed them artefacts from Jericho.



Pupils in the senior room completed their coding lessons with Liz Clinton before midterm. They all received their Hour of Code certificates and have enjoyed using apps such as Scratch, and Kahoot on our school ipads.

Green Schools

Dale Treadwell visited our school on 28th January and carried out interactive lessons with both classrooms. We went on a minibeast hunt (Dale also brought some into school), listened to stories, played games and went back in time to learn about Dinosaurs and other cretaceous creatures.

We have another workshop with Michael Bell through the Heritage in Schools scheme on Friday 6th May.

We are installing a water butt, extending our wildflower and biodiversity garden over the next month and we hope to sow native wildflower seeds in our window baskets and window boxes after Easter to help look after bees and our pollinators. We also hope to revamp our bug hotel, replace our butterfly and bee boxes and place a bird house in our garden.

All pupils took part in the ‘National Spring Clean’ on Thursday 6th April. We hope to a few more outings as the weather warms up. Hopefully there won’t be as much litter the next time!

Transition Year Work Experience

Transition Year pupil Michael completed his work experience with us on 16th March. Transition Year pupil Amy completed her work experience with on Wednesday 6th April. Both Michael and Amy have been a great asset to our school and we wish them all the best.

Engineers Week

Engineers Week is a week long programme of nationwide events celebrating engineering in Ireland. The aim of the week is to create a positive awareness & spark enthusiasm about the engineering profession to people of various ages with little or no engineering background. International Women’s Day was also celebrated during Engineers Week and pupils enjoyed learning about famous and inspiring women engineers and inventors. Well done to all the boys for making it an extra special day and allowing the girls to have a little extra rest and relaxation! Pupils in the senior room attended a webinar to hear all about the work of software engineers in Ericsson, Athlone. Children also took part in various webinars and shows throughout the week, built bridges, peeled a raw egg and designed their own inventions to keep a raw egg from cracking while falling from a height.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day took place on Tuesday 8th February. All classes learned about internet safety. Protecting and empowering young people online is so important- now more than ever. Classes engaged in safer internet quizzes games and a colouring competition to promote internet safety. Check out for more information for parents.

World Book Day

Pupils dressed up as characters from their favourite books and brought some of their most treasured books into school for show and tell. We continue to have 10 minutes of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time after small break every day. We are continuing with our ‘Reading Awareness Month’ until Friday 8th April so please make sure to return all the ‘tickets’ with your name, book you’ve read and signature for the raffle!

Fair trade Fortnight

Fairtrade fortnight began on Monday 28th February. Did you know Rahara NS is Fairtrade school? During Fairtrade fortnight pupils learned about the Fairtrade mark, investigated products that contain the Fairtrade mark and we also held a Fairtrade café in our hall for Pancake Tuesday!

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge took place during the week of 14th March. The speaking of Irish was greatly encouraged in the school. Pupils participated in table quizzes, played games “as gaeilge”, learned some ceilé dancing and participated in a school show! All pupils dressed in green for ‘Lá Glas’. A “Gaelageoir na Seachtaine” was chosen from each room and a prizes were awarded.

Parent’s Association

Thank you to everyone for returning your Parent’s Association forms. There will be a Zoom meeting after the Easter break facilitated by the National Parent’s Council to aid us in setting up a Parent’s Association for our school. It will be held in the evening time and we will communicate the day and time closer to the date.

Primary Language Curriculum (PLC)

School closed early on Wednesday 23rd March to facilitate teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. Please note: There will be one more half day closure in term 3 for teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. The date of the half day closure has yet to be confirmed.

Music Generation

Music Generation is a national partnership programme whose mission is to create inspiring experiences for children and young people through music. Through Music Generation Roscommon, children in Rahara N.S. are getting the opportunity to learn the ukulele and the tongue drum. Cian, our music teacher will continue to visit every Tuesday.


Gaelic football will resume after the Easter holidays. It will take place every Monday so please make sure that your child has their gum shields in school on that day.

Easter Egg Hunt

Thank you to 6th class pupils for setting up our annual Easter egg hunt. The children had great fun collecting all the chocolate eggs and each child got to select a larger egg to bring home.

Beannachtaí na Cásca daoibh go léir!



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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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