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Summer 2022


Summer Holidays

School will close on Wednesday 22nd of June for the summer holidays and re-open on Wednesday 31st of August for the new school year.

Afterschool Club

Afterschool Club continues to be a big success and we are delighted with our tutor, Teresa Nally. We thank you all for your co-operation and continued support of the excellent service.

Food Dudes

All children took part in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme to help increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables. We will continue with the Food Dudes programme in September and the children will be encouraged to bring in their own fruit and vegetables to eat from home.

Discover Primary Science and Maths Award

Congratulations to all the pupils and co-ordinator, Ms. Watson as Rahara N.S. was awardedanother SFI Discover Science and Maths Award, Plaque of STEM. A great achievement for the school.

Green Schools

Michael Bell, Heritage in Schools Expert visited our school on Friday 6th May and carried out workshops with all children. They created leaf rubbings, identified native birds and wildlife, went on a minibeast hunt and even got to hold animal skulls which included the rib and vertebrae bone of a 20m Fin whale. All pupils planted wildflower seeds in our front garden and they also planted sunflowers from seeds that were gifted to us from Rahara Tidy towns and Development. We sowed the seeds in pots in the classroom and then planted them beside the Old Church on Monday 20th June. The children also took part in a summer clean up on Thursday 16th June and did great work to ensure our lovely village is looking neat and tidy for the summer!

Sports Day

Our sports day took place on Tuesday 14th June. The rained stayed away and we had a fantastic day. The teachers collected a Supermacs at Casey’s garage in Roscommon and to reward pupils for all the good behaviour throughout the year the Board of Management oragnised inflatables to make the day extra special and fun.


Fun Day

On Tuesday 21st June we held a ‘Fun Day’ for all pupils in our school. This was our first time to hold this event. The children had an enjoyable time brainstorming ideas and activities for the day. We tie dyed t-shirts, decorated cookies, had a hair & nail salon, got our faces painted by Mrs. Dolan, danced and had great fun with slime and Oobleck!

Cumann na mBunscol

Well done to pupils in the senior room who received silver medals for their super efforts in hurling. Unfortunately we lost out at the semi-final stage in Gaelic football after topping our group in the first stage. The children have been amazing representatives for our school.

Standardised Tests

Standardised tests were administered to all pupils from 1st -6th class at the end of May/beginning of June. The results of these were recorded in your child’s school report and sent home on Thursday 16th June.

Parent’s Association

There will be a Zoom meeting for our new parent’s association in early September facilitated by the National Parent’s Council to aid us in setting up a Parent’s Association for our school. It will be held in the evening time and we will communicate the day and time closer to the date.

Primary Language Curriculum (PLC)

School closed early on Wednesday 9th June to facilitate teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. Please note: There may be half day closures during the year associated with the implementation of the upcoming new English/Maths curriculum. We will let you know in advance of school closures.

Music Generation

Cian Cunniffe from Music Generation Roscommon came to our school every Tuesday for the year to do music lessons with pupils in both the junior and senior classroom. We had our final lesson on Tuesday 21st June.


All pupils attended Gaelic football lessons with coach Eugen every Monday in term 3.

School Tour

Pupils from junior infants to 6th class had an amazing day on our school tour in Shannon River Adventure, Roosky on Friday 27th May. Activities included archery, rock climbing, tug of war, assault courses, pier jumping, mud slides and kayaking.



Our school secretary of 13 years, Patricia Finneran, had her final day in Rahara N.S. on Wednesday 22nd June 2022. The Board of Management and staff would like to express our thanks to Patricia for her dedication, commitment and contribution that she has made to our school while allowing our office to run like clockwork! We wish Patricia a wonderful retirement and hope that she enjoys this new chapter of her life and that it’s filled with good health, relaxation and fun!

Staff for 2022

Aoife Mc Gowan – Principal and Junior Room teacher

Niamh Watson – Deputy Principal and Senior room teacher

Kathy Dolan – Shared Special Education Teacher (SET)

Olliver Connaughton – Principal Release cover

*Mrs. Mc Gowan will take her Principal Release Days every Friday in the new academic year.

* Mrs. Dolan will continue to visit our school every Tuesday & Thursday


Sixth class graduation dinner party took place in the school hall on Friday 17th June. Good luck to our graduates, Keeva, John, Bláthín, Emma & Aideen on their transition to post-primary school this year.


Please check out our website for regular updates as well as our Facebookpage

Note from Principal

I wish to express our appreciation to all the parents who have helped and suported us all year. I am especially grateful to the parents who have been available to help with lifts to/from matches during Term 3. Thank you! I wish to thank the B.O.M. for their loyalty, dedication and hard work.

Finally I would like to express my appreciation to all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, for all their work and dedication. I know they work tirelessly for the happiness, safety & education of all the pupils in Rahara NS.

We wish you all a safe & happy Summer Holidays!


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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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