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Summer Newsletter 2023


Summer Holidays

School closed on Friday 23rd of June for the summer holidays and will re-open on Wednesday 30th of August for the new school year.


Congratulations to our Second Class pupils, Connor, Carly and Michael, who celebrated their

First Holy Communion on Sunday 14th May. We enjoyed a beautiful ceremony and had a lovely party afterwards in the school. Thank you to Fr. Ray, members of the Parents Association and school staff for making it a special celebration for the children.

Afterschool Club

The Afterschool Club continues to be a big success and we are delighted with our tutor, Teresa Nally. We thank you all for your co-operation and continued support of this excellent service.

Breakfast Club

We are delighted that Teresa will now be extending her services and operating a Breakfast

Club five mornings per week before school. This will be available for all pupils attending Rahara N.S. in September.

Discover Primary Science and Maths Award

Congratulations to all the pupils and co-ordinator, Ms. Watson as Rahara N.S. was awarded

another SFI Curious Minds Award. Our Log of Evidence was evaluated, and we have met all

the criteria for the Gold Award. Ms Watson provided evidence of children's engagement with

STEM in the areas of: Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths as well as a STEM Showcase. Well done on a tremendous achievement and for adding another plaque to our wall!

Green Schools

Annette Woods Donlon, Roscommon Litter Warden visited our school with Rahara Tidy Towns to announce the winners of the anti-litter poster campaign on May 22nd. Congratulations to Carly Donnelly and Emily Conneally who were the junior and senior winners. They were both presented with a €20 Smyths voucher. Annette also told them about some of the important work that her job entails and gifted recycled pens and reusable straws to the children. We are enormously grateful for all the wonderful work that Rahara Tidy Towns has completed in thearea and the strong connections that our school has made with them. We look forward to a long and successful partnership with the Rahara Tidy Towns Committee. We held our Green Flag Awards ceremony on Tuesday 13th June for our 10th Green Flag for Global citizenship Food and Biodiversity. There are only 5 schools in the county that received this flag this year, which is the highest level in the Green Schools programme. We are extremely proud of this achievement and thank our Green Schools coordinator Ms. Watson for submitting our application of the children’s work over the past two years. To reward pupils the Board of Management organised fun inflatables and a visit from the ice-cream van!

Sports Day

Our sports day took place on Thursday 16th June. The sun was shining and we had a fantastic day. Children took part in basketball, soccer, Gaelic, playground and parachute games, running races, egg & spoon race, relay races, sack race, three-legged race and wheelbarrow races. At lunch they were treated to a Supermacs and they finished the day with an obstacle course and some goodie bags! Thank you to our great helpers and past pupils: Jun, John, Emma, Aideen and Keeva!

Standardised Tests

Standardised tests were administered to all pupils from 1st - 6th class at the end of May/beginning of June. The results of these were recorded in your child’s school report and

were sent home.

Parent’s Association (PA)

The Parents Association wish to thank all families that took part in their Sponsored Walk “5k

in 5 Days” and help to raise funds for our school. Well done to all those that took part and a

big thank you to the PA for organising this event.


• All pupils took part in a cycling theory workshop with Cycle Right on Tuesday 23rd of May. Their cycle training commenced on Tuesday 30th May, their second workshop was Friday 9th of June and their final cycling lesson took place on Friday 16th of June.

• Soccer Blitz: On 20th June pupils from 2nd -6th class took part in the FAI 5 a side soccer blitz in Lecarrow. We had two teams competing, both boys’ and girls’ teams won their respective finals. What a tremendous achievement! The junior room enjoyed a day out in Lecarrow Harbour and playground where they had lots of fun and a picnic. After they were treated to ice-creams, they got the opportunity to support the school’s soccer teams in their finals and cheer them on!

School Tour

Pupils from junior infants to 6th class had an amazing day on our school tour in Athlone TUS with Let’s Go Camps. The children enjoyed the fabulous weather and there were lots of outdoor activities including: climbing, archery, obstacle courses, athletics, bouncy castles, Zorb balls, a super slide as well as horse riding!

Staff for 2023-24

Aoife Mc Gowan – Principal and Junior Room teacher

Niamh Watson – Deputy Principal and Senior room teacher

Kathy Dolan – Shared Special Education Teacher (SET)

Oliver Connaughton – Principal Release Cover

*Mrs. Mc Gowan will take her Principal Release Days every Monday in the new academic year.

* Mrs. Dolan will continue to visit our school every Tuesday & Thursday


Sixth class graduation dinner party took place in the school hall on Wednesday 21st June. Good luck to our graduates Luke, Beane & Giovanni on their transition to post-primary school this year.


Please check out our website for updates as well as our Facebook page.

If you need to contact the school please email: or

Note from Principal

I wish to express our appreciation to all the parents who have helped and supported us all year. I am especially grateful to the parents and the PA who have been available to help with the Communion and Green Schools parties. I wish to thank the Board of Management for their loyalty, dedication and hard work. Finally I would like to express my appreciation to all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, for all their work and dedication. I know they work tirelessly for the happiness, safety & education of all the pupils in Rahara N.S.

We wish you all a safe & happy Summer Holidays!


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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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